Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sometimes words just don't cut it...

I am laughing at myself this morning for trying and trying and trying to explain some things on this journey.  I finally gave up and decided to simply say... what the hell... words cannot describe the indescribable.  I want to be able to share this journey so badly sometimes, but all one can do is reach out to someone else who has been through it, look into their eyes, and say, "Isn't it just fucking cool?"  Nothing else can really be defined, and everyone arrives at the place where they are through their own recognizance.  They "recognize" the certain epiphanies for what they are.  They typically can describe the logical path or emotional path that it took to get there, but the epiphany will often sound like a cliche.

How do you tell someone, "God is Love"?  They will look at you like, "So the fuck what... my ______ has been telling me that since I was ____ years old."  It is a cliche

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Sometimes all of life makes sense to one, disparate parts join together, things fall into place, one feels not alone in the vastness of the Universe.  Maybe it is just a good day.  What more could one want than just a good day anyway?  

I don't know what made the day feel good.  Maybe it was the movie I just watched or feeling the joy that comes through knowing that it all doesn't matter and never needed to.  I don't know.  I never really have known... when I look at it in retrospect.  

I have lived a good life.  There have been many weird and bizarre experiences, just enough to keep it exciting.  There has been so much good in my life too, just enough to make it all worthwhile.  I have loved with the depth of a thousand loves.  Sometimes I feel older than the

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What really satisfies...

The last few days have been peculiar ones for me.  The power of intent and focus has many more uses than figuring out one's taxes, although I am not downplaying the effort one's taxes take, and why the hell haven't they simplified that process anyway?  I feel like spring is breaking through into my soul.  It is a peculiar feeling, like taking a colonic for the soul or something.  A lot of things have gone missing.

This is the peculiar feeling that I have gotten used to over the