Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unable to Move

Over the last couple of weeks, there has been something strange arising in me.  It is the curious inability to move.  Movement is becoming more and more difficult, as though I cannot rouse myself to do anything about the world.  Curiously, everything is still getting done for the most part... yet... I can't seem to move my mind beyond the scope of my inner, and curiously new, boundaries.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

I have been noticing a change in me over the Holiday season.  I guess it all began during the tumultuous time that began to hit in late October and early November for me.  There is a certain point in everyone's path where the final outcome becomes readily apparent.  For me, this has meant a simple deepening in understanding that spirals deeper and deeper into me.  Occasionally, what I really want, which is simply truth, is at odds with the thoughts and thought processes and deep beliefs that litter my mind.  I cannot be dishonest and hold thoughts that are truthful.