Friday, April 30, 2010

The heart of Love...

There has been a lot written about the Love that God holds for us, and sometimes I feel it is redundant to write about it.  Why redundant?  As A Course in Miracles says, there was never a time when we knew it not.  It is always with us, Love.  There is never a time that we are apart from it.  There may be times when seemingly Love retreats from us, but this is a matter of perspective only, and perception is never the whole story.

Tonight is one of those nights when I can feel the

Monday, April 12, 2010

I cannot see all that is happening...

Tonight, in addition to all the beauty that always comes from the A Course in Miracles study group, I saw something very profound to me.  I was standing out on the back patio listening to the rain.  My attention was caught by a drop of water suspended in space, defying gravity, right there in front of me.  It was perfectly formed, tiny, yet holding something that gave it a slight milkiness to its color.  I could imagine all of the microbes, molecules, atoms, and particles which might have given it this color and surface tension necessary to be as formed as it was.  I could imagine, for a moment, its infinity within itself.  One drop of water.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Boredom... a dangerous state

I have a friend whose life suddenly took a turn for the worse... rather unexpectedly.  She is a person I admire greatly, and as she told me the story about this particular period in her life, she laughed, albeit ruefully, about this particular period.  Her connection to Spirit is solid, to the point where she "hears" answers that most of us, who remain wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life, might miss.  This particular period landed her in multiple buckets of hot water all at once.  When she picked herself up from the wreckage, as most of us are wont to do when we get fed up with our own bullshit, she had one question on her mind.  "Why did all of this happen?"  The answer from Spirit, "Well... to tell you the truth, it was because you were bored."