Sunday, June 13, 2010

Journal excerpts

I wanted to just drop in some journal excerpts this morning, as this blog is devoted to the thoughts surrounding awakening.  We cannot awaken without seriously looking inward.  This process is constant, and it needs to be that way because of our addiction to the world that we take to be real.  That addiction is merely an addiction to an idea... and that idea is the idea of our own separateness from everyone and everything.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A tribute to honesty

For Erika

Occasionally, I am stunned... stunned right into silence.  Tonight though... I am stunned into writing.  I have to write, and I have to express my gratitude to all the teachers out there I have had.  Some of them have known they were teachers to me, some have not.  Some serve as my upa-guru... my voice for me in others.  We all mirror each other, and sometimes we need to hear our own voice through the closest guru of all... our Self.  The upa guru is close, closer than your breath, closer than your own lips.  The upa guru speaks to us through others, usually those we are close to or identified with closely.  The upa guru can also speak to us in that still, small voice.

Testing 1, 2, 3... testing

There are some things along this journey that repeat time and time again.  One of these, for me, is the step, consolidate, test, and integrate process.  I don't know why it works this way, but it is the way that it seems to.  It is always about the steps I take along the spiritual pathway.  There is no step, really, just a permanent change of mind.  All these imaginary steps have their own process and work that go into them.  It seems odd to expend energy on something that in reality is baseless, causeless, and really doesn't exist at all, but that is the mystery of the journey.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Never hide...

Never hide from yourself.  Ever.  Feel everything that comes your way to the fullest extent.  Become present to your life.  These are the thoughts that are resonating with me this morning.  In some ways I view my journals and this blog as being only this, reminders to simply feel, feel my way forward in every aspect of my life with certainty that none of this is wrong or harmful to what I truly am.